
First, let’s import the packages we need.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import corner
from taurex.log.logger import root_logger
%matplotlib inline

Forward model

Then, we’ll load the input file and generate a suitable forward model.

For the input file, we’ll use the “parfile-gpu.par” file that is included in the examples directory of this package.

from taurex.parameter import ParameterParser

pp = ParameterParser()

# Parse the input file
input_file = "parfile-gpu.par"

# Setup global parameters

# Get the spectrum
observation = pp.generate_observation()

binning = pp.generate_binning()

# Generate a model from the input
model = pp.generate_appropriate_model(obs=observation)

# build the model
taurex.ParamParser - INFO - Interpolation mode set to linear
taurex.ParamParser - WARNING - Xsecs will be loaded in memory
taurex.ParamParser - WARNING - Radis is disabled
taurex.ParamParser - WARNING - Radis default grid will be used
taurex.ClassFactory - INFO - Reloading all modules and plugins
taurex.ClassFactory - INFO - ----------Plugin loading---------
taurex.ClassFactory - INFO - Loading ace
taurex.ClassFactory - INFO - Loading cuda
taurex.ClassFactory - INFO - Loading curvefit
taurex.ClassFactory - INFO - Loading emcee
taurex.ClassFactory - INFO - Loading petitrad
taurex.ClassFactory - INFO - Loading ultranest
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO - No pressure profile defined, using simple pressure profile with
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO - parameters nlayers: 100, atm_pressure_range=(0.0001,1000000.0)
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO - Building model........
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO - Collecting paramters
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO - Setting up profiles
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO - Computing pressure profile
taurex.ChemistryModel - INFO - Initializing chemistry model
taurex.ChemistryModel - INFO - Initializing chemistry model
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO - Setting up contributions
taurex.OpacityCache - INFO - Reading opacity CO2
taurex.OpacityCache - INFO - Loading opacity CO2 into model
taurex.OpacityCache - INFO - Reading opacity CH4
taurex.OpacityCache - INFO - Loading opacity CH4 into model
taurex.CudaOpacityCache - INFO - Re-homogenizing native grids!
taurex.CudaCiaCache - INFO - Re-homogenizing native grids!
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO - DONE

Now, set up the binning and the instrument.

wngrid = None

if binning == "observed" and observation is None:
        "Binning selected from Observation yet None provided"

if binning is None:
    if observation is None or observation == "self":
        binning = model.defaultBinner()
        wngrid = model.nativeWavenumberGrid
        binning = observation.create_binner()
        wngrid = observation.wavenumberGrid
    if binning == "native":
        binning = model.defaultBinner()
        wngrid = model.nativeWavenumberGrid
    elif binning == "observed":
        binning = observation.create_binner()
        wngrid = observation.wavenumberGrid
        binning, wngrid = binning
instrument = pp.generate_instrument(binner=binning)

num_obs = 1
if instrument is not None:
    instrument, num_obs = instrument

if observation == "self" and instrument is None:
    root_logger.critical("Instrument nust be specified when using self option")
    raise ValueError("No instruemnt specified for self option")

inst_result = None
if instrument is not None:
    inst_result = instrument.model_noise(
        model, model_res=model.model(), num_observations=num_obs
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO - Computing pressure profile
taurex.ChemistryModel - INFO - Initializing chemistry model
taurex.Absorption - INFO - Recomputing active gas CO2 opacity
taurex.CudaOpacity - INFO - Transfering xsec grid to GPU
taurex.CudaOpacity - INFO - Moving to GPU once
taurex.Absorption - INFO - Recomputing active gas CH4 opacity
taurex.CudaOpacity - INFO - Transfering xsec grid to GPU
taurex.CudaOpacity - INFO - Moving to GPU once
taurex.Absorption - INFO - Done
taurex.CIACache - INFO - Loading cia H2-He into model
taurex.CIACache - INFO - Loading cia H2-H2 into model
taurex.CIA - INFO - Done
taurex.Rayleigh - INFO - Done

If the observation is on “self”, we will generate an observation given the forward model and the instrument function, to be used for self-retrievals.

# Observation on self
if observation == "self":
    from import ArraySpectrum
    from taurex.util.util import wnwidth_to_wlwidth

    inst_wngrid, inst_spectrum, inst_noise, inst_width = inst_result

    inst_wlgrid = 10000 / inst_wngrid

    inst_wlwidth = wnwidth_to_wlwidth(inst_wngrid, inst_width)
    observation = ArraySpectrum(
        np.vstack([inst_wlgrid, inst_spectrum, inst_noise, inst_wlwidth]).T
    binning = observation.create_binner()


Now we can set up the retrieval, starting with the optimizer and pointing it to the observation and forward model.

optimizer = None
solution = None

import time

if observation is None:
    root_logger.critical("No spectrum is defined!!")

optimizer = pp.generate_optimizer()
taurex.ParamParser - INFO - Setting up optimizer
taurex.ParamParser - INFO - Fitting: planet_radius
taurex.ParamParser - INFO - Fitting: T
taurex.ParamParser - INFO - Fitting: CO2
taurex.ParamParser - INFO - Fitting: CH4
start_time = time.time()
solution =

end_time = time.time()"Total Retrieval finish in %s seconds", end_time - start_time)

for _, optimized, _, _ in optimizer.get_solution():

result = model.model()
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Initializing parameters
taurex.Emcee - INFO - -------FITTING---------------
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Parameters to be fit:
taurex.Emcee - INFO - planet_radius: Value: 0.5 Type:Uniform Params:Bounds = [0.45,0.55]
taurex.Emcee - INFO - T: Value: 1000.0 Type:Uniform Params:Bounds = [900.0,1100.0]
taurex.Emcee - INFO - CO2: Value: 0.0001 Type:LogUniform Params:Bounds = [-12.0,-1.0]
taurex.Emcee - INFO - CH4: Value: 0.0001 Type:LogUniform Params:Bounds = [-12.0,-1.0]
taurex.Emcee - INFO -
taurex.Emcee - INFO - -------------------------------------
taurex.Emcee - INFO - ------Retrieval Parameters-----------
taurex.Emcee - INFO - -------------------------------------
taurex.Emcee - INFO -
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Dimensionality of fit: 4
taurex.Emcee - INFO -
taurex.Emcee - INFO -
Param            Value  Type        Args
-------------  -------  ----------  -----------------------
planet_radius      0.5  Uniform     Bounds = [0.45,0.55]
T               1000    Uniform     Bounds = [900.0,1100.0]
log_CO2           -4    LogUniform  Bounds = [-12.0,-1.0]
log_CH4           -4    LogUniform  Bounds = [-12.0,-1.0]

taurex.Emcee - INFO -
[autoemcee] finding starting points and running initial 100 MCMC steps
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100/100 [00:41<00:00,  2.39it/s]
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100/100 [00:38<00:00,  2.61it/s]
[autoemcee] rhat chain diagnostic: [1.29948991 1.35005165 1.2648493  1.25088209] (<1.010 is good)
[autoemcee] not converged yet at iteration 1 after 1816 evals
[autoemcee] Running 200 MCMC steps ...
[autoemcee] Starting points chosen: {5}, L=-2656.1
[autoemcee] Starting at [0.50155868 0.29951435 0.73175664 0.7295726 ] +- [2.07316967e-05 1.95106273e-03 2.15082485e-04 1.41191717e-04]

100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100/100 [00:44<00:00,  2.27it/s]
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 200/200 [01:28<00:00,  2.27it/s]
[autoemcee] Starting points chosen: {4}, L=-2656.1
[autoemcee] Starting at [0.49896974 0.95062315 0.68651548 0.70419042] +- [0.00024095 0.01206181 0.0017155  0.00262025]

100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100/100 [00:43<00:00,  2.28it/s]
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 200/200 [01:27<00:00,  2.28it/s]
[autoemcee] Used 4832 calls in last MCMC run
[autoemcee] rhat chain diagnostic: [1.03861042 1.11989315 1.14887417 1.12795048] (<1.010 is good)
[autoemcee] not converged yet at iteration 2 after 6648 evals
[autoemcee] Running 400 MCMC steps ...
[autoemcee] Starting points chosen: {2}, L=-2656.1
[autoemcee] Starting at [0.50044448 0.4670975  0.72607207 0.72546587] +- [1.44640724e-05 9.45368002e-04 1.16133036e-04 1.45492841e-05]

100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 200/200 [01:28<00:00,  2.27it/s]
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 400/400 [02:53<00:00,  2.30it/s]
[autoemcee] Starting points chosen: {7}, L=-2656.1
[autoemcee] Starting at [0.49992209 0.53978566 0.72218774 0.72585682] +- [1.04131342e-05 1.25879893e-03 1.65853827e-04 8.47646736e-05]

100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 200/200 [01:26<00:00,  2.30it/s]
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 400/400 [02:53<00:00,  2.30it/s]
[autoemcee] Used 9632 calls in last MCMC run
[autoemcee] rhat chain diagnostic: [1.00378234 1.02887037 1.02722475 1.0225528 ] (<1.010 is good)
[autoemcee] not converged yet at iteration 3 after 16280 evals
[autoemcee] Running 800 MCMC steps ...
[autoemcee] Starting points chosen: {4}, L=-2656.1
[autoemcee] Starting at [0.50017916 0.37760545 0.7399924  0.7328286 ] +- [7.93067988e-06 1.34987117e-03 3.00956367e-04 1.59212525e-04]

100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 400/400 [02:53<00:00,  2.30it/s]
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 800/800 [05:49<00:00,  2.29it/s]
[autoemcee] Starting points chosen: {4}, L=-2656.1
[autoemcee] Starting at [0.50077536 0.47452216 0.71904538 0.72308628] +- [1.58826252e-05 1.58216012e-03 2.94652435e-04 1.17993914e-04]

100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 400/400 [02:56<00:00,  2.27it/s]
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 800/800 [05:48<00:00,  2.29it/s]
[autoemcee] Used 19232 calls in last MCMC run
[autoemcee] rhat chain diagnostic: [1.00320846 1.00373857 1.00746311 1.00648991] (<1.010 is good)
[autoemcee] converged!!!

taurex.Emcee - INFO - Sampling time 1935.527314901352 s
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Post-processing - Generating spectra and profiles
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Computing solution 0
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO - Computing pressure profile
taurex.ChemistryModel - INFO - Initializing chemistry model
taurex.Absorption - INFO - Recomputing active gas CO2 opacity
taurex.Absorption - INFO - Recomputing active gas CH4 opacity
taurex.Absorption - INFO - Done
taurex.CIA - INFO - Done
taurex.Rayleigh - INFO - Done
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO - Computing pressure profile
taurex.ChemistryModel - INFO - Initializing chemistry model
taurex.Absorption - INFO - Recomputing active gas CO2 opacity
taurex.Absorption - INFO - Recomputing active gas CH4 opacity
taurex.Absorption - INFO - Done
taurex.CIA - INFO - Done
taurex.Rayleigh - INFO - Done
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO - Computing pressure profile
taurex.ChemistryModel - INFO - Initializing chemistry model
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO - Modelling each contribution.....
taurex.Absorption - INFO - Recomputing active gas CO2 opacity
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO -   Absorption---CO2 contribtuion
taurex.Absorption - INFO - Recomputing active gas CH4 opacity
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO -   Absorption---CH4 contribtuion
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO -   CIA---H2-He contribtuion
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO -   CIA---H2-H2 contribtuion
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO -   Rayleigh---CO2 contribtuion
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO -   Rayleigh---CH4 contribtuion
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO -   Rayleigh---H2 contribtuion
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO -   Rayleigh---He contribtuion
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO - Computing pressure profile
taurex.ChemistryModel - INFO - Initializing chemistry model
taurex.Absorption - INFO - Recomputing active gas CO2 opacity
taurex.Absorption - INFO - Recomputing active gas CH4 opacity
taurex.Absorption - INFO - Done
taurex.CIA - INFO - Done
taurex.Rayleigh - INFO - Done
taurex.Emcee - INFO - ------------Variance generation step------------------
taurex.Emcee - INFO - We are sampling 1280 points for the profiles
taurex.Emcee - INFO - I will only iterate through partitioned 1280 points (the rest is in parallel)
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 0.78125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 1.5625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 2.34375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 3.125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 3.90625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 4.6875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 5.46875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 6.25%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 7.03125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 7.8125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 8.59375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 9.375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 10.15625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 10.9375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 11.71875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 12.5%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 13.28125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 14.0625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 14.84375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 15.625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 16.40625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 17.1875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 17.96875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 18.75%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 19.53125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 20.3125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 21.09375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 21.875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 22.65625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 23.4375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 24.21875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 25.0%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 25.78125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 26.5625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 27.34375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 28.125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 28.90625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 29.6875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 30.46875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 31.25%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 32.03125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 32.8125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 33.59375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 34.375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 35.15625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 35.9375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 36.71875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 37.5%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 38.28125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 39.0625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 39.84375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 40.625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 41.40625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 42.1875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 42.96875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 43.75%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 44.53125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 45.3125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 46.09375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 46.875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 47.65625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 48.4375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 49.21875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 50.0%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 50.78125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 51.5625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 52.34375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 53.125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 53.90625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 54.6875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 55.46875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 56.25%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 57.03125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 57.8125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 58.59375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 59.375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 60.15625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 60.9375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 61.71875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 62.5%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 63.28125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 64.0625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 64.84375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 65.625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 66.40625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 67.1875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 67.96875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 68.75%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 69.53125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 70.3125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 71.09375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 71.875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 72.65625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 73.4375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 74.21875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 75.0%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 75.78125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 76.5625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 77.34375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 78.125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 78.90625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 79.6875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 80.46875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 81.25%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 82.03125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 82.8125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 83.59375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 84.375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 85.15625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 85.9375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 86.71875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 87.5%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 88.28125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 89.0625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 89.84375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 90.625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 91.40625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 92.1875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 92.96875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 93.75%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 94.53125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 95.3125%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 96.09375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 96.875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 97.65625%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 98.4375%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Progress 99.21875%
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Computing derived parameters......
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Post-processing - Complete
taurex.Emcee - INFO -
taurex.Emcee - INFO - -------------------------------------
taurex.Emcee - INFO - ------Final results------------------
taurex.Emcee - INFO - -------------------------------------
taurex.Emcee - INFO -
taurex.Emcee - INFO - Dimensionality of fit: 4
taurex.Emcee - INFO -
taurex.Emcee - INFO -
---Solution 0------
taurex.Emcee - INFO -
Param                  MAP       Median
-------------  -----------  -----------
planet_radius     0.499972     0.500018
T              1002.76      1001.28
log_CO2          -3.98031     -4.02948
log_CH4          -3.96889     -4.02388

taurex - INFO - Total Retrieval finish in 2023.2468461990356 seconds
taurex.TransmissionCudaModel - INFO - Computing pressure profile
taurex.ChemistryModel - INFO - Initializing chemistry model
taurex.Absorption - INFO - Recomputing active gas CO2 opacity
taurex.Absorption - INFO - Recomputing active gas CH4 opacity
taurex.Absorption - INFO - Done
taurex.CIA - INFO - Done
taurex.Rayleigh - INFO - Done


Let’s plot the spectrum first.

modelAxis = {
    "TransmissionModel": "$(R_p/R_*)^2$",
    "TransmissionCudaModel": "$(R_p/R_*)^2$",
    "EmissionModel": "$F_p/F_*$",
    "EmissionCudaModel": "$F_p/F_*$",
    "DirectImageModel": "$F_p$",
    "DirectImageCudaModel": "$F_p$",
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10.6, 7.0))

obs_spectrum = optimizer._observed.spectrum
error = optimizer._observed.errorBar
wlgrid = optimizer._observed.wavelengthGrid


for solution_idx, solution_val in solution.items():
    binned_grid = solution_val["Spectra"]["binned_wlgrid"][...]
    native_grid = solution_val["Spectra"]["native_wngrid"][...]

        **{"s": 10, "edgecolors": "grey", "color": "black"}

    binned_spectrum = solution_val["Spectra"]["binned_spectrum"][...]
    binned_error = solution_val["Spectra"]["binned_std"][...]

    color = "C0"
    label = "Fitted spectrum"
    plt.plot(wlgrid, binned_spectrum, label=label, color=color, alpha=0.6)
    if binned_error is not None:
        # 1 sigma
            binned_spectrum - binned_error,
            binned_spectrum + binned_error,

        # 2 sigma
            binned_spectrum - 2 * binned_error,
            binned_spectrum + 2 * binned_error,

plt.xlim(np.min(wlgrid) - 0.05 * np.min(wlgrid), np.max(wlgrid) + 0.05 * np.max(wlgrid))
plt.xlabel(r"Wavelength ($\mu$m)")

if np.max(wlgrid) - np.min(wlgrid) > 5:
    plt.tick_params(axis="x", which="minor")
plt.legend(loc="best", ncol=2, frameon=False, prop={"size": 11})

plt.title("Fitted spectrum", fontsize=14)

Very nice!

Now let’s plot the posterior distribution.

def get_derived_parameters(solution):
    if 'derived_params' in solution:
        return [c for k, c in solution['derived_params'].items()]
        return [solution['fit_params']['mu_derived']]
fittingNames = [param[0] for param in optimizer.fitting_parameters]

figs = []
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))

for solution_idx, solution_val in solution.items():
    tracedata = solution_val["tracedata"]
    weights = solution_val["weights"]
    indices = np.array([fittingNames.index(x) for x in fittingNames])

    mu_derived = get_derived_parameters(solution_val)
    _tracedata = np.column_stack((tracedata, mu_derived[0]["trace"]))
    fittingNames.append("mu (derived)")

    figure_past = fig

    plt.rc("xtick", labelsize=10)  # size of individual labels
    plt.rc("ytick", labelsize=10)
    plt.rc("axes.formatter", limits=(-4, 5))  # scientific notation..

    fig = corner.corner(
        quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84],
        # truths=truths,
    # fig.gca().annotate(
    #     "Posterior %s" % (solution_idx),
    #     xy=(0.5, 0.96),
    #     xycoords="figure fraction",
    #     xytext=(0, -5),
    #     textcoords="offset points",
    #     ha="center",
    #     va="top",
    #     fontsize=20,
    # )


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